Home / News / My floor tiles were driving me insane but I was quoted $19k to replace them

My floor tiles were driving me insane but I was quoted $19k to replace them

Jul 29, 2023Jul 29, 2023

A HOMEOWNER asked why she should pay a lot of money for services that she can do better and more cost-efficiently herself.

She disliked her floor tiles but when quoted $19,000 for replacements, she decided to do the project on her own.

Jade ( shared the video with over 50,000 TikTok followers.

"Two months ago I bought a 90s home and the tiles were driving me insane," she said.

She shared a photo of the glossy white tiles that weren't to her liking.

"I decided to put floorboards down, I had three people come out and quote for both floorboards and polish concrete and all three quotes were between $17,000 and $19,000," she revealed.

"That was just not in my budget, it was like $7,000 over what I expected it to be."

Nevertheless, Jade didn't give up on the 110 meters of floor that she wanted renovated.

"I'm really glad we went into the floors ourselves because it was really fun to do and it was an awesome skill to learn," she said.

She and her husband took turns installing the new beige tiles into the ground as she laid out her vision for future renovations for the home.

"Once the painter comes the skirts and the walls will be a nice, fresh clean white and this house is going to be so beautiful," she said.

The light beige wood floored tied in well with the neutral aesthetic of the couch, walls, and decor.

People took to the comments to share their thoughts on the DIY.

Some thought she was right for standing up to the seemingly exorbitant quote.

"People need to start pushing back on these tradies quotes, they’re charging like lawyers," said one commenter.

"110sqm and $17,000, yep they were taking you for a ride if just getting timber floors," said another.

A HOMEOWNER asked why she should pay a lot of money for services that she can do better and more cost-efficiently herself.She replacementsdo the project on her own